
THE SCULPTURE IS THE ORIGIN OF EVERYTHING. . Since I have a body builder close to the studio, the finishes of my sculptures have gone up a step ”. Interior and exterior pieces for institutions, companies or individuals.

“Chorretón concupiscible””

Mannequin, steel and chocolate coins. 0.80×0.60×0.50cm

Personal collection. ON SALE

“Scavenger Shark: the donkey and the carrot

Sculpture for future exhibition on the alienation of the individual by the mass media. A kind of human-animal fable, in this case an active Being turned into a scavenger shark of audiovisual products.

Metallic structure, polyurethane and painted bodybuilder cement. 1.10×1.50cm. Personal collection. ON SALE.

“Las Landas Duck”

Metallic structure, polyurethane and painted bodybuilder cement. 1.60x70cm Personal collection.

The passive human being funnel fed like farm ducks.Reproduction FOR SALE.

Video of the execution process of the piece


Metallic structure and plaster. 2×1,7m. Personal collection. Reproduction FOR SALE


20 and 40cm wooden slats with iron base. Particular collection


Tree branches, mannequin base, fiberglass and who knows what else … 3.70×4.5m For Expo Robert Julius Torío at Oiasso Museum. Personal collection.

If Robert liked something it was walking, in the mountains or on the road, he could do 50 kilometers a day. This sculpture represents him in his natural environment, with his wide stride and camouflaged in the preferred environment. For the rest of the pieces I combined his tastes, obsessions and New Yorker condition with my passion for Pop Art. I recommend that you see the documentary I made about him that you have in the -Video section of the website.


“Coca-Cola bottle”

Pizza boxes and neon interior. 3.70 x 0.90m. Robert  Oiasso Museum Exhibition. Destroyed

“Installation Attack on the Twin Towers NYC”

Burger containers. 2.60 x Xm
Robert Oiasso Museum Exhibition. Destroyed

“Malabar Bubble gum”

Polystyrene, fiberglass and vinyl Expo Robert Museo Oiasso.

Personal collection. Reproduction or similar FOR SALE

“Interstellar connection bank”

Wood. 4,40 x 1,30m
Studio 33


Wooden slats 1,70x 4m


“Amor de Mare”

Painted iron. 2.70 x 4.30m Commission for Irún in stand by

Animated 3D video of the sculpture and its location

“Surfer floating”

Metallic structure, plaster and marine light projectors. 2.30×1.20m.

Personal collection. Reproduction FOR SALE

Video of the effect of the projector on the sculpture


Train rail and sleepers. 10.20×4.20m. Commissioned for Irún in 2007

2 rails interpreting the conscious and the unconscious detaching themselves from the sleepers (the prejudices that bind them) at the moment in which they change direction towards the -Divine- to end up joining in a Being in fullness.

“Hondarribia battlement

Sandstone blocks to be sculpted by the wind as in Jaizkibel. 6.40×8.20m.

Proposal for Hondarribia. No fucking answer

“Morning Glory”

Surf longboard. Foam and fiberglass. Scale replica of my penis for Donnavón’s metaphysical essay.

“Surfing on your own penis is the highest achievement to which the individual can aspire in life”

Personal collection.

Explanatory video of the essay on my YouTube channel Shaf Javier San Martín

“Cosmic Shit”

Painted polyurethane and copper tube. 3.40×3.20m. Personal collection. ON SALE

“Brainwashed hat”

Painted polyurethane and cleaning products. 0.65×0.40m. Personal collection. ON SALE

“Skate Miniramp”

Cement and sweat

Studio 33


Breakwater stones. Arteological -Laguardia-

A sculpture installation project on a tour of the dolmens in an area that was the last stronghold of the sea on the peninsula. That is why I build the sculpture with breakwater rocks treating the dolmen as a non-closed structure representing death as something open, life as a blade of air without beginning or end. The eternal return.

Winery Finca Valpiedra breakwater

Breakwater stones

Winery Finca Valpiedra

Sound sculpture

Giant harmonics powered by the air of vehicles on the road.

Presented to the collector Juan Antonio Pérez Simón

The Invisible Book

Painted iron Koldo Mitxelena linguist contest.

I attribute to the book a purely intellectual quality, detaching it from its material condition and in which only the tape that marks its pages remains.

Javier San Martín -Shaf- Tel.:606381903

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